vrijdag 12 november 2010

Just a half moon awaaaaay : soooo womanly

I took my Hypnotic Poison to Brussels and look what came out of it !

MoreMoreMore !

A review about the Hypnotic Poison is coming up but let me tell you know, the colour is FABULOUS.
It's a red hypnotized by purple (- see what I did there? ^^)

I just throw some half moons on my nails... It has been too long. I think half moons look classy and feminine, not too cocky and still flirty. Grrrr I like it! (Geee, I kind of like everything on my nails... )

Sorry I didn't come up with a halloween naildesign, but there were sooooooooo many good ones on the net every where. I couldn't come up with a very original idea. ( - seen, too, much ;o ) and sorry for the unclean edges ;)

Cyaa next timee xx

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