donderdag 23 augustus 2012

Quicklaaay reviewed : Grumpy and The Huntsman - Essence Snowwhite LE

Hi everyone :)

Let's start with saying that I absolutely loooooved the Snow White collection from essence, soooo adorable! Today I'm showing off with Grumpy. I actually bought this colour for the name alone, because some friends call my boyfriend Grumpy for several understandeable reasons :p

I topped my ringfinger off with a coat of the glittertopper 'The Huntman'. A great warm golden topper with larger flakies, mixed under the gold.

The colour is stunning, opaque in 2 layers but start showing tipwear rather fast. The colour is my favourite kind of blue (for now). Makes me think of Calvinblue. I saw the painting that Calvin made (simple a canvas painted in this blue) and I was completely enchanted and hypnotized! 

I had to go to a familydinner (Guillaume's grandmother celebrated her birthday) but I forgot my belt at home, so I ran to the Pimkie like a mad person and actually found a belt; matching my nails! How awesome is that?!

Completely in love with this polish and belt <3

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Klink als iets voor jou, een nieuwe matchy riem kopen omdat de oude vergeten was ;) Te gek kleurtje wel, echt mooi! Hebben ze de collectie nu eigenlijk in België? Nee zeker? In St Niklaas alvast niet...

    XO, Imke

  2. Een Grease party klinkt errug goed. Ik wil ook wel komen als John Travolta :D

    XO, Imke


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